Sunday, 7 June 2015

The Program That Helped me to Increase my Strength by 40 Lbs in Just 2 Weeks


If you have spent a lot of time searching for a program, that would give you fast gains, you have just arrived at the PERFECT PLACE. In this post I will tell you about the workout routine, which produced me results that sound and feel "too good to be true". Of course, you can choose not to trust what I say (and that is reasonable, because almost every program on the internet says that it is "the best", "little known", "extraordinary" and so forth). So what are the odds that this is an exception, right?

BUT, if you believe that it is impossible to gain 30-40 pounds to your lifts in just 2-3 weeks I recommend you to simply STOP READING this article. Because, what is the point if you will read it just to reject the information? You better use those 5 minutes that would take you to read this article, to do something else. I understand that many people QUIT reading this JUST BY SEEING words "strength", "40 lbs" and "2 weeks" used in one sentence. It sounds unlikely, I agree.

And for those who are willing to experiment and to test their hypotheses about how one should train - I will tell you about the program, that I used to gain 40 LBS TO MY WEIGHTED DIPS strength in just 2 weeks. Believe it or not.

After I did this workout program, which enabled me to add some serious strength, I decided to look what PEOPLE ON THE FORUMS are talking about it. As you could expect “experts”, who haven’t actually tried it, theorised that it would not work. Nice and rational theories. But they are wrong.

This is the workout program that I can RECOMMEND TO EVERYONE while being completely honest to my conscience. And some part of me doesn't want to recommend this program because it is very effective, EXTREMELY HANDY TOOL for fast gains,so maybe the less people try it - the better (so that small circle of people, who use this book, would have advantage in weightlifting). And even now, while I am typing these words, I am feeling AMBIVALENT whether to share my experience with this routine or not, because this program is very unique and valuable to me.

I would like to start by saying that the main con of this program is that it is pretty intense (might be difficult for some people to keep with it). BUT If you are OK with that, then we can move on to benefits, which you will see from my experience written below:


ROUND 1: So, I thought I will give the routine a try. I read the program and decided to try it with weighted dips, because I chose to increase my pressing strength and I was training alone - so weighted dips was a perfect choice for me.

At that time I trained in my school's basement. Our bench was made from school desks by one of our wonderful teacher. And that bench was so functional that you could also use it as dipping station, if you put it vertically.

Before the program I had about 1,5 year of WEIGHTLIFTING EXPERIENCE. And I was able to do 10-12 reps of weighted dips with my bodyweight (155 lbs = 70 kg) while carrying 72lbs = 32.5 kg dumbbell between my legs.

For TWO WEEKS I was doing sets of weighted dips with additional 70 lbs hanging from my belt. It was pretty tough and intense workouts, but after the first week I was amazed, because I already felt much better and stronger doing weighted dips!

And now the crazy part – WHAT HAPPENED AFTER these two weeks? After using the program for two weeks I decided to test my strength. I hanged 2 kettlebells to my belt. Each kettlebell weighed about 55 lbs, so it was a total of 110 lbs hanging from my waist.

That means I used 40 lbs more weight than 2 weeks ago.

I tied the kettlebells with my belt, put my hands on the "school desk - dipping station" and began to do dips…But...It was TOO EASY! I am not kidding – I added 110 of additional weight and it felt easier than 70 lbs 2 weeks ago! Believe me - that is an amazing feeling.


ROUND 2: Later - I stopped training with weights. I haven't lifted weights for months. But one day I decided to try the "intense part" from the program with one arm dumbbell military press – the exercise that I haven't done almost at all in my period of training. I decided to try it just for fun. I was able to do five reps with 22, 5 kg = 50 lbs per arm AT FIRST.

After TWO WEEKS of applying the program to one arm dumbbell MILITARY PRESSES - I did five reps with 32,5 kg = 72 lbs per arm!

That is 22 lbs of additional military pressing strength on EACH OF MY ARMS in just 2 weeks! (Of course, muscle memory also played a part in producing these results).


These days there are thousands of books about strength and muscle building. But most of those books give you the same ordinary information with just a few small adjustments that separate them from each other.

But if you want to try something ACTUALLY different, if you want to try the program that enabled me to increase my strength by 40 lbs in just 2 weeks and that is capable of putting tremendous amount of muscle all other your body TRY THIS WORKOUT ROUTINE.

I can't guarantee BUT IT IS VERY LIKELY that using this program you will make one of the best gains of your life and you will be amazed by your results.


!!!This program costs ONLY 25 DOLLARS  (+ Value Added Tax)!!!

How much strength and muscle have you gained with the last 25 dollars that you had invested in your training (gym membership, food, supplements, etc.) ?


Contact me via email ( and I will send you the information. BUT contact me ONLY if:

1) You are SERIOUS about getting this program.
2) You PROMISE to keep it for yourself and NOT to share it with ANYONE.

I understand that these phrases are used a lot and because of that they start losing their value, but I am VERY SERIOUS about these two points. If you have intentions that are different from the points I made - it is perfectly fine, I understand that there are reasons for it. But, please, if you are not going to follow these points -  don't contact me.