Sunday, 28 June 2015

How to Fake Being Strong and How to Bend Steel for Real


Tearing a deck of cards. Ripping a phone book in half. Bending nails. Bending wrenches. Rolling up frying pans. All these feats can be performed with bare hands. All these feats require strength

If you have never lifted weights before and your work does not involve moving heavy objects around, then probably you are not be able to do them.  But that is the truth only if we are talking about "legitimate" ways to perform these feats.

Are there any cheats one can use to  perform feats like that? Yes, there are. In this post I want to show you how you can bend steal, tear phone books in half and do other strength related feats, even if sometimes you have trouble simply opening a jar of pickles.

Obviously, these "shortcuts" that will enable you to do strength feats are not about getting some quick strength gains. These shortcuts are  about preparation and deception. Their goal is create an illusion that one is "actually strong".


*All these tricks I am about to tell you are based on Dennis Rogers explanation in Brian Brushwood's "Scam School" episodes (video below).

What is the trick for tearing decks of cards and phone books? The answer - baking them in the oven. Because of temperature cards or phone book papers become brittle and that enables you to tear them in half with very little effort. Of course, it is up to you to decide whether the benefits of it are greater than the costs.

What is the trick for bending nails? You will have to bend nail with gloves to protect your arms. And inside those gloves you will need to have additional equipment.. The equipment is metal tubes that will help you to prolong the nail. What these metal tubes do is they increase the leverage and enable you to bend the nail with way less effort and strength.

What is the trick for rolling up a frying pan? You need a special frying pan, which is made from aluminium. You can deform this type of frying pan simply by punching it.

These tricks are taken from Dennis Rogers. He is one of those people, who are REALLY able to bend steel, to tear phone books, to roll up frying pans and to perform other strength feats. If you want to learn how to bend steel for real, you can learn it from Dennis Rogers himself here. You can watch him explaining how some people cheat during strength feats in the video below:


There are a couple of videos of him and Brian Brushwood showing the tricks. This is only one of them. If you wish to watch the other parts, then simply click on this video and YouTube will "guide you" to other videos.

If you are looking for a great source of steel bending training, then you should check out Jedd Johnson's method (one of the workouts is shown in the video below).